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MGR-3-M48 三相正反转固态继电器 ( 基本型 )



◎ 型号含义 Type meaning 


① 三相 Three phase

②  正反转 Forward/Reverse

③ 负载电压 480VAC Load voltage 480VAC

④ 10A, 15A, 20A, 25A, 30A, 40A, 50A, 60A 75A, 80A, 100A

◎ 产品概述 Product overview

◆ 额定电流:10A-100Amps

◆ 额定电压:480VAC

◆  背靠背 SCR 输出适合商业级重工业级应用,性能可靠

◆ " 超低 " 的输入电流

◆ 低输出断态漏电流

◆ 低输出通态压降

◆ 具有 LED 灯 ( 红 )(绿)双色输出指示

◆ 包含标准输出的 R-C 缓冲器

◆ 保护性正 / 反向内置联锁功能

◆ Rated current: 10A-100Amps

◆ Rated voltage: 480VAC

◆  Reverse-parallel SCR as the output component can be used in commercial or heavy industrial applications with reliable performance

◆ "Ultra low" input current

◆ Low output off-state leakage current

◆ Low output on-state voltage drop

◆  Two color (Red & Green) LED output status

◆ Standard output R-C buffer

◆ Built-in forward/reverse interlock protection function

注意 :

1. 当负载电流为 10A 时 , 必须加装散热器 ; 为 40A 及以上时 , 必须加风扇强冷或水冷 .

2. 使用感性负载时 , 务必在输出端并接一个压敏电阻 , 取值为负载电压的 1.6-1.9 倍 .


1. If the load current is 10A, a heat sink must be equipped; if the load current is 40A or more, an air-cooled radiator or a water-cooled radiator must be installed. 

2. When the load is an inductive load, be sure to connect a varistor in parallel with the output terminal, whose voltage value is 1.6-1.9 times the load voltage.

◎ 安装尺寸及接线图 Installation dimensions and wiring diagram



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